Now is the best time to purchase our new season rose bushes. At this time of year all varieties are available, and Spring is a good time to plant roses. Refer to our Rose Planting Guide for correct soil preparation. Well prepared rose beds will produce better, long lasting plants.
Fertilize your established rose bushes with a complete rose fertilizer, and newly planted roses with a slow release fertilizer. Both are available from our nursery.
Look out for Aphids, and as the weather warms up, Thrip insects as well. Effective sprays are also available from our nursery.
Maintain your healthy, newly planted roses by ensuring they receive sufficient water, approx. 10 litres per day during their first summer.
Look out for Spider Mites and spray if necessary.
Bud grafting takes place in the nursery during the summer months. Orders need to be placed now for unusual varieties or specific standard roses.
Dead head and summer prune your roses to ensure flowers keep on blooming.
Fertilize your roses with our complete rose fertilizer every 8 weeks from Spring, Summer and into Autumn. Fertilizer is available at our nursery.
Autumn is a rewarding time for rose growers, with the flowers are at their best as the weather begins to cool.
Prune any dead head roses and watch out for Black Spot on the leaves.
Spray a suitable fungicide, available from our nursery, during late March and April.
Don’t worry about spraying for Black Spot after April, as spraying in Winter after pruning will be more effective. Black Spot is common on the ageing leaves of roses as they go into the winter dormancy period.
Pruning your roses is the main task during Winter, however roses should not be pruned before the month of July in the Perth metro area, later in cooler areas that are susceptible to frosts.
Tidy up rose beds and refill top soil with sheep or cow manure, ensuring that manure stays away from the stems and the graft is not covered.
Spray with a winter fungicide immediately after pruning whilst the plants are dormant.
A professional pruning service is available at our nursery but bookings are essential.