The Shocking Blue Rose is an enchanting and unique floribunda rose variety, known for its rich, mauve-lavender blooms that captivate with their unusual hue and strong fragrance. This rose features medium-sized, double-petaled flowers with a striking, cool-toned purple colour that adds a touch of elegance and mystery to any garden. The Shocking Blue Rose is ideal for creating beautiful displays in garden borders, mixed flower beds, or as a standout specimen, adding a pop of unexpected colour. It is a vigorous grower, offering a steady display of blooms throughout the growing season, filling the garden with its intense, sweet, and spicy fragrance. Its robust growth, repeat blooming, and delightful scent make it a favourite among gardeners and rose enthusiasts looking for a rose that stands out in both beauty and fragrance.
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As recommended by the Swiss Rose Garden Nursery.
Enjoy the beautiful roses!